Monday, December 17

Recent Dreams & Today

I woke up with a headache but I was glad that I did not have another one of those bizarre fuck dreams I have been having lately. Two nights ago I had this dream where I was in middle school. I was in seventh grade again. I could tell by the clothing I was wearing : the pants with flowers and other crap embroidered on them, that faux-denim button up shirt thing that I thought was too cool, and the fact that I wore my hair in a ponytail. I could also tell because of the p.e. teacher I had. I was in the gym with the only gym teacher that did not make me want to pull my shorts down a little and hold my breast down as I ran. I head to the bathroom because right after I realize where I am everyone starts laughing at me. I look in the mirror and, ugh, I do not know what is going on with my face. I wish I were lying but I seriously had acne in the shape and color of those little speckled chocolate eggs I love to eat on Easter. I had big plateaus on my face covered in brightly colored pus-filled zits just ready to bust open on the first unsuspecting person to stand too close for comfort. I decided to try to get rid of some of them so I could go back out into the gym and run the mile. I tried to pick them off but chunks came off, taking parts of my face with them. I was horrified. I spent the remainder of that dream in a toilet stall
The night after the acne-athon was a dream that could of occurred because of my recent BioShock game playing. I was in a disturbingly creepy wharf and one of my hands was completely engulfed in flames but I did not feel any pain. I slowly walked around and these mutated creatures that looked as if many differed creatures were torn apart and sown together to create this deformity were coming towards me. The faces of all these deformities were people from my past that had upset me and betrayed me. I saw my ex-best friend. I saw Gingerballs. I saw MoreManlyThanMan (ex-Co Manager). I saw HeartbreakingTubofLard (ex-ex-Co Manager I had a fling-ish thing with), and so many others. I had no weapons and I was too afraid to burn them so you can see how that dream ended.
Today I woke up with only a slight headache. My phone had been vibrating all morning. I checked to see who from the outside world still gave the littlest of a fuck. I responded as vaguely as possible and rolled over to stare at Jon. He is the most adorable sleeping person I have ever laid eyes on. True happiness is the feeling that overwhelms me when I lay there staring at him before he wakes and, without knowing, he rolls over a little closer and his arm falls over me. If I could have that feeling all day long, everyday life would be almost perfect.
Wake up. This is not a fairy tale.
I have to make sure that my account did not overdraft when I thought I was going to buy a ticket to north carolina and then not board the plane. I also need to re-download all the music I love listening to because I am a silly girl, well stupid girl. Then, I will spend hours reading, surfing the pathetic waste that is myspace, and counting down the hours until Jon comes home.

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