Thursday, December 27


Yum sushi, what a delicious lunch. Sushi is one of the very few foods me and Jon can agree on. He hates Mexican; I hate Italian. Imagine our dinners.
After a half hour debate we have agreed on sushi. We sit down and order. My stomach is growling and I am glad they have Las Vegas rolls. Food comes quickly and we scarf it down. It is kind of disgusting how we eat sometimes. Right in the middle of a luscious piece of prawn tempura I see a disturbing figure by the window. A very loud, obnoxious, evil bitch of a woman I used to work with. I immediately lost my appetite. I started to pray, to a god I do not really believe in, for her to want to leave and go get drunk (because that is normally what she is doing anyway). She turns catches my eye and smirks. I stifle down some vomit and ask the waitress for two to-go boxes.
Jon starts to inhale his food so we can leave quickly. She walks in and starts barking around orders. "It's here! I will sit HERE! WHERE IS ASHLEY? Shh! Charlie listen to this story NOW!" She is always way too loud and is always talking. She does not know how to close her mouth (for the gutter minds here the pun i s intended). The waitress is being to move at turtle speed, inching away from the table with the bitch at it. She lingers longer in the back. I just want to leave. I can feel the bitch stare at me. She pokes her pathetic boyfriend and he glances over. I try to keep my face from growing red.
I knew we should not have gone to lunch anywhere near work. I ask Jon for the keys and walk calmly (and quickly) to the car. The friend (my old friend) of the bitch has just parked her car next to mine. She looks up and smiles, "Hi." I think it is funny how people can ignore you for such a long time but then one day it is okay to talk to you. She must be happy. I got everything she wanted at work. I was paid more. I had more hours. I had a higher title. I worked hard for everything. She kissed ass. I guess it has paid off in the end because I am the jobless one and now she is making more than I ever made.
I just ignore her. I sit in the car and smoke. I am clenching the cigarette waiting for her to realize that I do not want to talk. After being ignore for so long I defiantly am fine not talking now.
These people I used to work with. these people who used to treat me like their slaves, these people who pretend to be your friend but really they talk shit about everyone and everything behind their backs are ghost to me now.


Unknown said...

I've just finished reading this post (will read the rest when I have more time) and just wanted to tell you, I really enjoyed it. I normally dont like reading about people I don't know, but your little anecdote was so well written and engaging, I found myself really empathasing with you.
Read mine, you might like it.

Lots of Love,

S x

jeff said...

Wow, there's a lot of hatred here. And a lot of the back story that I do not know but I actually don't need to know because I understand how stupid people can be and they can screw you over.

Bharat said...

First... your picture is really nice... you seem quite happy...

I would like to believe that ass kissers always pay at the end for what they do and the way they step over people... but i don't think i've really seen any proof to that... and the best we can hope to do it ignore them... good job on that...

i'm not a gutter mind.. i wonder why i understood the pun... damn..

HeatherrrEloise said...

Forever-Young, thank you so much! I am glad that I can make what my boyfriend deems as bitching engaging. Lol.

Jeff, there is a lot of hatred. After two and a half years these people put me through so much and I cannot believe how I would sit there and take it. And I am just a back story kind of girl. I explain things too much sometimes.

Brat, thank you for the compliment. I am actually at my happiest I have been in a while. Plus, my hair is starting to grow back after my horrible hair extensions accident. And for a long time I thought, too, that my hard work would be better than her ass kissing. I was wrong though. Maybe one day it will work in the hard workers favor.