Monday, December 17


My name is Heather. I am 18 years old. I am currently unemployed. I had an accident in which I forgot about the last seven months of my life. I have a few friends, but most of them I lost because I decided to move in with a guy they do not approve of.
I dropped out of high school in my senior year. I still do not have a driver's license and I am pretty embarrassed of what has happened in my life so far.
This is what I want to change. I want to be someone I can be proud of. I want to forget about all the mundane shit that has made me so bitter and mad. I want to start being happy.
So fuck the past, I am working for a better tomorrow.


Commissioner said...

Holy moly. This is one of the saddest things I've read. I really hope you starting picking up the pieces of your life.

HeatherrrEloise said...

I am working on it right now.
I really felt like if I just wrote
it all out it might help.
So that's what I am doing.
Thanks for reading:]
& the support.