Tuesday, December 18

Poem #2

I wrote this poem on April 23, 2007.


Each keystroke tells my story.
Fingers dancing across this board,
Word by word I let go of this weight.
Are these burdens then a gift?
The pounds placed on my shoulders,
Shape shift, fall onto these pages,
Complication turns into inspiration.

Each page like a deep breath.
This journal filled with sighs.
All the air that strangles me,
Release in between these faded lines.
Could the abundance of frustration be useful?

The endless remarks about learning lessons,
About changing for the better, and accepting the world,
I hear all of this. I do, I listen,
I do not see the point of running from life.
You will fall; yes, the fall will most likely hurt.
You will get up; yes, the redemption will make you learn.
You will cry; yes, sometimes the tears will seem never-ending.
You will love; yes, it will be the best feeling life will give you.
The point is to take in everything life has to offer.
Nuture it all; remember it all.
One day you will also learn that this weight is a gift.


The Ponderer said...

Couple things. I really like this poem, it's one of those conundrums we constantly ponder without even realizing it's on our minds.

Next, I read your "About me" and it's ... Simply friggin amazing how much we're similar. I went for more of a... Simplistic, less personal about me paragraph, but if I had gone candid... It would have read exactly the same as yours, minus the "I am simple." & "I love my bebe."

I'm glad you liked my blog and because of the common interests and the intrigue your blog induces unto me, I'm adding you to worthwhile blogs!

HeatherrrEloise said...

Thank you!
First, I am glad you don't love my boyfriend. I'd have to bring it! Lol.
Second, thank you for the compliment!
I am glad you are enjoying what I have done so far:]