Tuesday, December 18

Poem #1

Here is the first poem I would like to share. I took it off of my Gather page. I wrote this poem on May 21, 2007. It is loosely based off of my life, and I only know that because most of my writing in general is loosely based off my life.


on the dirty floor,
amongst the piles of greasy wrappers,
the stained articles of clothing,
and all those items i swore i needed,
lays the only thing i ever really needed.

crippled and defeated,
he is motionless.
he is lost in the mess of it all.
my sorrows bound him to the frowns.
my complaints fuel his rage.
we both believe better is found everywhere else.
and we will never find it.

regrets and disappointment collide,
haunting our dreams,
or leaving us restless and red eyed.
we both made this bed,
and now neither of us can fall asleep in it.


Commissioner said...

Thank you for sharing this obviously personal poem.

On a different note. I totally dig the f*ck KFC photo on your blog.

KFC= Kentucky Fried Cruelty.

HeatherrrEloise said...

No problem.
I write a lot of poetry and I keep it on my page on gather.
I figured I could put more up here also.

Yes, I hate KFC.
You don't even want to know what goes down there!