Tuesday, December 18

Komeback Kid

Sometimes friendships do not work. It is a way of life. People grow up and some just do not "flow" together anymore. Otherwise, we'd all have thousands of friends. I do not think I can keep up with, or deal with, a thousand lives. Can you? If you can you deserve an Oscar because you must be pretending at some point, and obviously doing a good job.

I digress. Point is my ex-bff decides that she wants to interrupt my seemingly good day and righteously tell me off. She told me that I needed to let go and stop dwelling. She told me that I need to realize that our friendship was not "healthy" anymore, and that she is doing great. Then, she wanted to add that she did not care that I got fired and she thinks I am lying about hitting my head and losing my memory, but she was not trying to be mean or hurt me by saying all of this.

I said that I did not dwell on it anymore. I told her I was glad she had friends that worked for her. I told her she can think I am lying but I do not care because that is really sad that she really was not giving me the chance she claimed to be giving me. I told her that I had moved on and I could careless. I think losing my memory was good for me because I let go a lot of angry I had been carrying around. I am just upset about being fired, though I expected it. I told her not contact me again if all she wanted to do was demean me and tell me how she has me "all figured out". I was not looking for that in my life. I want happiness, not perpetual judgment. In short, I told her that I was over her and she needed to piss off if she was going to be such a little bitch.

She did not respond. Not that I expected a response. Not that I really wanted a response either. I did not want her to contact me to begin with. I want her to be gone. Erased away like a mascara smudge on the corner of your eye.

Goodbye ex-bff and please do not poke your head around here again.

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