Monday, January 7

Wishing For a Wink

My night from three o'clock on:

Tired boyfriend stifles yawn.
I. wide awake, fake a yawn.
Then the lights go out.
He is pulling up the covers.
I stub out my smoke and lay down next to him.
Ten minutes pass.
Time is going so slowly.....

just going on.
and on.
when does it move faster?
tick ------- tock.
is it morning yet?

It was only four o'clock.
Jon snored next to me.
I am jealous.
Simply jealous.
Him just sleeping there.
Sprawled out as far as his bony ass can.
Why does his body radiate so much damn heat?!

Hello six o'clock.
I get up.
He is making me sweat.
Sticky and sullen, it's computer time.
Myspace = boring.
Listening to music is fun if I can sing.
He is asleep, fuck that idea.
Don't feel like writing.
Damn shit.
Lindsay Lohan.
Britney Spears.
Rubbish. I keep seeing rubbish.

I decide to take a shower.
Hot water. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
Instant vacation.
Hum a little tune.
Stay in there forever.
Not forever.
Only making it last an hour.

Eight-thirty. He is dead asleep.
I want to wake him up.
How can he sleep?
(that is the typed sound of frustration)

I go to the other room.
Cleaning like that bald genie.
Not fun.
Especially when I stumble across old work hat.

I start to clean again.
Screaming I run out of the room.
Well, it is now ten o'clock.
When can I wake him up?
I decide to write about my long night.
Then, i'll wake him up.


Anonymous said...

lol what did he do when you finally woke him up?

nicely written, i like it ^^

Bum Atom said...

take pill, it helps

Bharat said...

loving the new layout... :)

so if you're up the whole night... you presumably sleep during the day? or do you just not sleep?

liked the post... especially the joined up words but... there's a whole other way of reading them...

Commissioner said...


jeff said...

well that sux. how'd you wake him up? put on some loud music? jump on top of him?

Arielle Fragassi said...

I am horrible about letting people sleep. I would have jumped on him and made him wake up while he complained. :P

HeatherrrEloise said...

thnx everyone:]
it was a different way
for me to write but that
is exactly how it was
going on in my own head.

Brat: yes I do sleep during
the day now. idk what my
problem is. i used to stay up
late but i'd be in bed before six.
now i stay up till around noon
and sleep til eight. it's kinda weird.

& Jon did not take kindly to me
trying to wake him. He got all
grumpy and said something about
not wanting to stop dancing.
That we were having fun.