Tuesday, June 10


Finally I arise back from the dead to start posting again.
I was gone.
I was sad.
I hid myself in a tiny hole and threw giant pity parties.
Oh joy.

So here's the nit grit:
I have a job that I plan on keeping this time.
Me and Jon are done for good.
I am in Illinois living with Jon and his parents until I save up money to move out.
I am a tad bit happier.
Me and my mother are getting along better.
I want two tattoos and no longer have a tongue ring.

That's all I can think of right now.
I will look at y'alls blogs soon.
Sorry for being dead for a while.



DragonRaid said...

glad to know you're still alive

Bharat said...

well, glad you make it back... and i was a bit confused about how you were going to cover the last n months in one post... i be amazed :)

Anonymous said...

what the others said ^^