Tuesday, March 18


bvt better than nothing right?

To keep it simple so I do not get harassed:

I finally have a damn job.
I am no longer unemployed.
Thanks Target.
(and i'm not even starting over at min. wage ... hello relief)
&& I am probably going to have a second job also.
(hello spare cash/future car)

I will update more soon.
Sorry I have been a bag of assholes.
I am just either busy or sick.
More soon.
(& i'm going to catch up on y'alls too!)

ps: Thanks Chloe! I appreciate the compliment. I try to keep it real.


Anonymous said...

short n' sweet ^^

awesome you got a job. i'm still looking for one xD

k said...
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Cocaine Princess said...

Congratulations on your job!

Cocaine Princess

Bharat said...

yay for the job.. and the second one... now you've got your own two feet... and you've got a fresh start... and that could equal mental independancy if you need it to be...

not so much a leech any more huh? what's happening with Jonathan?