Tuesday, March 25


weaker i once was
those sweet words stuck,
like taffy to my hungry ears.
knees breaking at the bend.
swooning for the untouchable.
always letting me down,
yet i remained disillusioned.

the alarm goes off,
hazy eyes, limb so stiff.
write it off a cold,
ignore the truth again.
this will get bigger,
and prayers seem futile,
but the awakening will come.


Cocaine Princess said...

I always enjoy reading your poems.
Cocaine Princess

Bharat said...

it sounds like the awakening has come already.. yet you refuse to acknowledge it and open your eyes...

jeff said...

Deep poem you got there. Me gusta mucho.

Bharat said...

oh, and about the stopping blogging thing... i thought likewise about you... besides... blogging is what keeps me normal some of the time...